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Healthy at Home:

A Toolkit for Supporting Families Impacted by COVID-19

In order to serve educators and families during the COVID-19 crisis, ReadyRosie developed this free toolkit as a resource to support families with information and resources for supporting the children in their care. The current content on this site will be available throughout the summer. We invite educators to explore ReadyRosie’s complete family engagement platform to help schools and programs partner with families throughout the summer and into the new school year. Learn more about ReadyRosie here.

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Week of April 27, 2020

Solving problems

Children are born problem-solvers! As they grow older and experience new challenges, they get better at selecting ways to solve their problems. Play gives children many opportunities to solve problems. Explore these fun problems with your child today!

Nature art

As children explore the world around them, they notice changes and make predictions. They begin to understand their environment, learn important ideas, and develop respect for nature. Encourage your child to pay close attention to nature this week! Invite your child to experiment with sticks, flowers, dirt, rocks, etc. How can they use the nature they find to express their ideas in creative ways?

Play ball!

The early years are important as your child develops gross-motor manipulative skills. These skills include kicking, throwing and catching and lead to more advanced skills such as those used in organized sports. Offer balls of different sizes and textures. This allows children at different stages of development to improve their grasp. Remember that children need lots of practice to be able to throw, roll, and kick before they can catch!

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